Background: Many persons exhibit an elevation in blood respective subgroup with an initially similar baseline BP value. Logistic regression results indicated that those pressure (BP) when examined in a medical setting. We examined whether individuals exhibiting an exaggerwith high SBP responsivity had a 2.7 times greater chance of having an elevated SBP (у140 mm Hg) on folated pressure response (high responders) to BP determination would have an elevated baseline BP on followlow-up (95% CI 1.8-4.1, P Ͻ 0.001), independently of initial SBP, age, or body mass index. Other significant up, independent of the initial BP level. Methods and results: A total of 1217 employed men not predictors were the initial baseline SBP value and age. In those with an initial SBP of 130-139 mm Hg, the baseon hypertensive medication, aged 20-64 years were examined over 2-4 years (mean 2.6 years) following the line SBP was not predictive of future readings whereas high responders had a four times higher risk of having baseline measurements at entry. Pressure response was assessed at entry and defined as the difference an elevated SBP on follow-up (OR = 4.0, 95% CI 2.0-8.0, P Ͻ 0.001). between the first and fourth values in successive readings. Such a response was apparent for systolic BP Conclusions: These findings suggest that SBP hyperresponsivity to BP determination at the clinic indepen-(SBP) but was negligible for diastolic BP (DBP) and the former was negatively related to the baseline BP value. dently predicts elevated SBP 2.6 years later. Further studies are warranted to determine the predictive value High responders were defined as persons showing a pressure response greater than the average for the over a longer follow-up period.Keywords: blood pressure determination; white-coat; hypertension; follow-upIt has been suggested that the pressure response
Introductionto BP determination contributes to white-coat hyperIn successive blood pressure (BP) readings in the tension, that is, the presence of arterial hypertenclinic or physician's office, the first reading is fresion, defined on the basis of BP measured in a cliniquently elevated, with systolic BP (SBP) reportedly cal setting, in subjects who have normal ambulatory exceeding subsequent readings by as much as 50 or self-measured BP outside the physician's mm Hg. 1-7 A much smaller and sometimes neglioffice. 10,12 Much of the relevant literature has gible difference is observed for diastolic BP (DBP). 8 focused on the pressure response as leading to misThis response may persist over several visits, classification of hypertension. 12,13 Several studies, despite increasing familiarity with the clinic however, have attempted to determine whether environment. [4][5][6] It also varies greatly in magnitude white-coat hypertension elicits end-organ change or between individuals. 3,4,7 poses a cardiovascular risk; some have shown posiThe exaggerated pressure response, termed alerttive findings, 12,14-16 whereas others have not. Between 1985 and 1987, 4318 men from 21 factories O...