This article is part of the author's Ph.D. research that was undertaken at the University of Cambridge. Special thanks, therefore, go to Ha-Joon Chang for supervising the doctoral work on which this paper is based. I am also thankful to the RIPE editors and three anonymous reviewers who provided very constructive comments, and to Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Maha Abdelrahman, Rajah Rasiah, Keun Lee, Carlo Pietrobelli, JP Faguet and Natalya Naqvi for pointing me towards useful literature and theoretical concepts. Early versions of this paper were presented in the International Schumpeterian Society 2018 conference in Seoul (South Korea) and at the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy 2018 conference in Nice (France). Special thanks also go to all the academics, government officials, private sector representatives, and other experts who gifted me their time and insights during fieldwork interviews in Malaysia. In particular, for their tremendous support during my fieldwork, I would like to thank