T his paper e xamines e nergy alternative s in the UK and wor ldwide to reduce C O 2 , SO 2 , and NO x emissions up to the year 2020: e nviro nmental mec hanisms in restructured markets, future e nergy alte rnative s, green e lec tric ity, e nergy e cie ncy, and pric ing.A t the outse t, world ene rgy re so urce s, nonfossil re sources, wo rld e nergy demand, and the ro le of e xisting and planned mec hanisms to achieve enviro nmental bene ts in re struc tured e lectric ity markets are re viewed. Tec hnological and institutio nal c hallenges o f real, long-te rm reduc tions in carbo n dio xide and o the r e missio ns from the e lectric sec tor are disc ussed. T he pape r the n focuse s o n re newable e nergy in the UK , the gree n poo l, and trends in powe r marke ting conside ring gree n pric ing programs, and public po lic y fo r re newable e nergy. C onsidered is trends in e nergy supply struc ture : e nergy consumption and C O 2 re lease, ro le o f nuclear po we r, and Euro pean e OEorts fo r contro lling CO 2 e missions.T he main part of the paper prese nts a case study o n e nsuring future e nergy alte rnative s fo r the UK based on simulations. Table s are prese nted illustrating basic techno logical aspec ts of a number of alternative e nergy mix strategie s devised to mee t the UK 's e lec tric se rvice require ments whe re CO 2 , SO 2 , and NO x emissio ns are addre ssed. T hey co mbine the introduction o f new natural gas-red combined-cyc le gene ratio n with alte rnate leve ls o f demand side manage ment-predominantly tec hno logy drive n conse rvatio n, and for some o f the strategie s, wind po wer, tidal po we r, and hydro po we r fro m Iceland is inc luded. Eac h c lass o f techno logies is phased in during the 20-year study period of 1999-2020. C o mparative values fo r CO 2 , SO 2 , and NO x emissio ns are give n.