We have investigated quantum critical behavior in the doped two-leg extended Hubbard ladder, by using a weak-coupling bosonization method. In the ground state, the dominant fluctuation changes from the conventional d-wave-like superconducting (SCd) state into density-wave states, with increasing nearest-neighbor repulsions and/or decreasing doping rate. The competition between the SCd state and the charge-density-wave state coexisting with the p-density-wave state becomes noticeable on the critical point, at which the gap for magnetic excitations vanishes. Based on the Majorana-fermion description of the effective theory, we calculate the temperature dependence of the magnetic response such as the spin susceptibility and the NMR relaxation rate, which exhibit unusual properties due to two kinds of spin excitation modes. On the quantum critical point, the spin susceptibility shows paramagnetic behavior with logarithmic corrections and the NMR relaxation rate also exhibits anomalous power-law behavior. We discuss the commensurability effect due to the umklapp scattering and relevance to the two-leg ladder compounds Sr14−xCaxCu24O41.