Quantum criticality describes the collective fluctuations of matter undergoing a second-order phase transition at zero temperature. It is being discussed in a number of strongly correlated electron systems. A prototype case occurs in the heavy fermion metals, in which antiferromagnetic quantum critical points (QCPs) have been explicitly observed. Here, I address two types of antiferromagnetic QCPs. In addition to the standard description based on the fluctuations of the antiferromagnetic order, a local QCP is also considered. It contains inherently quantum modes that are associated with a critical breakdown of the Kondo effect. Across such a QCP, there is a sudden collapse of a large Fermi surface to a small one. I also consider the proximate antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases, and these considerations lead to a global phase diagram. Finally, I discuss the pertinent experiments and outline some directions for future studies. 1 Introduction A quantum critical point (QCP) refers to a second-order phase transition at zero temperature. The notion of quantum criticality is playing a central role in a number of strongly correlated systems, but this was not anticipated when the notion was first introduced. Indeed, the initial work of Hertz [1] was rather modest. From the critical phenomenon perspective, Hertz formulated a direct extension of Wilson's then-newly-completed renormalizationgroup (RG) theory of classical critical phenomena [2]. The formulation retained the basic property of the latter: the zerotemperature phases are still considered to be distinguished by an order parameter, a coarse-grained macroscopic variable characterizing the breaking of a global symmetry of the Hamiltonian, and the critical modes are the fluctuations of the order parameter. In this sense, it conforms to the Landau paradigm for phase transitions. From a microscopic perspective, Hertz's discussion built on the historical work about paramagnons, the overdamped magnons occurring in a paramagnetic metal as it becomes more and more ferromagnetic (for a review, see Ref. [3]). In hindsight, the convergence of these two lines of theoretical physics seems to be rather natural. For a Stoner ferromagnet, the fluctuations of the order parameter (magnetization) at its QCP is none other but the paramagnons. For a spin-densitywave (SDW) antiferromagnet, such fluctuations of the order