We apply a combination of numerical renormalization group (NRG) and renormalized perturbation theory (RPT) to a model of two quantum dots (impurities) described by two Anderson impurity models hybridized to their respective baths. The dots are coupled via a direct interaction U12 and an exchange interaction J. The model has two types of quantum critical points, one at J = Jc to a local singlet state and one at U12 = U c 12 to a locally charge ordered state. The renormalized parameters which determine the low energy behavior are calculated from the NRG. The results confirm the values predicted from the RPT on the approach to the critical points, which can be expressed in terms of a single energy scale T * in all cases. This includes cases without particle-hole symmetry, and cases with asymmetry between the dots, where there is also a transition at J = Jc. The results give a comprehensive quantitative picture of the behavior of the model in the low energy Fermi liquid regimes, and some of the conclusions regarding the emergence of a single energy scale may apply to a more general class of quantum critical points, such as those observed in some heavy fermion systems.