We study the dynamics of a quantum Brownian particle weakly coupled to a thermal bath. Working in the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism, we develop an effective action of the particle up to quartic terms. We demonstrate that this quartic effective theory is dual to a stochastic dynamics governed by a non-linear Langevin equation. The Schwinger-Keldysh effective theory, or the equivalent non-linear Langevin dynamics, is insufficient to determine the out of time order correlators (OTOCs) of the particle. To overcome this limitation, we construct an extended effective action in a generalised Schwinger-Keldysh framework. We determine the additional quartic couplings in this OTO effective action and show their dependence on the bath's 4-point OTOCs. We analyse the constraints imposed on the OTO effective theory by microscopic reversibility and thermality of the bath. We show that these constraints lead to a generalised fluctuation-dissipation relation between the non-Gaussianity in the distribution of the thermal noise experienced by the particle and the thermal jitter in its damping coefficient. The quartic effective theory developed in this work provides extension of several results previously obtained for the cubic OTO dynamics of a Brownian particle.
SciPost PhysicsSubmission [22,[27][28][29]. Nevertheless, it is interesting to explore the corrections to this effective dynamics by including the cubic and higher degree terms in the analysis. A simple way to obtain such corrections is to extend the Caldeira-Leggett model by introducing a non-linear combination of the bath oscillators' positions in the operator that couples to the particle [29,30].One such extension was discussed in [30] where the oscillators in the bath were divided into two sets (labelled by X and Y). Then apart from the bilinear interactions (which are present in the Caldeira-Leggett model), small cubic interactions were introduced between the particle (q) and pairs of bath oscillators. Each such pair consisted of one oscillator drawn from the set X and the other from the set Y. Due to these cubic interactions, this model was called the 'qXY model'.Introduction of these cubic interactions leads to cubic and higher degree terms in the effective action of the particle. In [30], this effective theory was studied up to the cubic terms in a Markovian limit. It was shown to be dual to a non-linear Langevin dynamics which has perturbative corrections over the linear Langevin dynamics in the Caldeira-Leggett model. The additional parameters in this non-linear dynamics receive contributions from the 3-point correlators of the bath. These 3-point correlators lead to an anharmonicity in the particle's dynamics and a non-Gaussianity in the distribution of the thermal noise experienced by the particle. In addition, they also give rise to thermal jitters 1 in both the frequency and the damping of the particle. The thermal jitter in the damping coefficient and the non-Gaussianity in the noise are connected by a generalised fluctuation-dissipation relation [30...