Abstract. Independently radiating valence quarks and corresponding negative binomial distribution presents phenomenologically preferable mechanism of hadronization in multiparticle production processes. Main properties of the renormdynamics, corresponding motion equations and their solutions are considered.
RenormdynamicsWe say that we find New Physics (NP) when either we find a phenomenon which is forbidden by SM in principal -this is the qualitative level of NP -or we find significant deviation between precision calculations in SM of an observable quantity and corresponding experimental value. Renordynamics (RD) unifies different renormgroups in one society. Quantum field theory (QFT) and Fractal calculus (FC) provide Universal language of fundamental physics (see e.g. [1]). In QFT existence of a given theory means, that we can control its behavior at some scales (short or large distances) by renormalization theory [2]. If the theory exists, than we want to solve it, which means to determine what happens on other (large or short) scales. This is the problem (and content) of Renormdynamics. The result of the Renormdynamics, the solution of its discrete or continual motion equations, is the effective QFT on a given scale (different from the initial one). We will call RDF functions g n = f n (t), which are solutions of the RD motion equationsġIn the simplest case of one coupling constant, the function g = f (t), is constant g = g c when β(g c ) = 0, or is invertible (monotone). Indeed,Each monotone interval ends by UV and IR fixed points and describes corresponding phase of the system. Note that, the simplest case of the classical dynamics, the Hamiltonian system with one degree of freedom, is already two dimensional, so we have not an analog of one charge renormdynamics. Then the regular Hamiltonian systems of the classical mechanics are defined on the even dimensional phase space, so there is not an analog of the three dimensional renormdynamics for the coupling constants of the SM. The fixed points of renormdynamics belong to the set of zeros of the polynomial system of equations β n (g) = 0, 1 ≤ n ≤ N, in the perturbative renormdynamics. Describing qualitative and numerical properties of the set,