Shannon entropy (S), Rényi entropy (R), Tsallis entropy (T), Fisher information (I), and Onicescu energy (E) have been explored extensively in both free H atom (FHA) and confined H atom (CHA). For a given quantum state, accurate results are presented by employing respective exact analytical wave functions in r space. The p‐space wave functions are generated from respective Fourier transforms—for FHA these can be expressed analytically in terms of Gegenbauer polynomials, whereas in CHA these are computed numerically. Exact mathematical expressions of
Trnormalα,Tpnormalβ,Er,Ep are derived for circular states of a FHA. Pilot calculations are done taking order of entropic moments (α, β) as
(35,3) in r and p spaces. A detailed, systematic analysis is performed for both FHA and CHA with respect to state indices n, l, and with confinement radius (rc) for the latter. In a CHA, at small rc, kinetic energy increases, whereas
Sboldr,Rboldrnormalα decrease with growth of n, signifying greater localization in high‐lying states. At moderate rc, there exists an interplay between two mutually opposing factors: (i) radial confinement (localization) and (ii) accumulation of radial nodes with growth of n (delocalization). Most of these results are reported here for the first time, revealing many new interesting features. Comparison with literature results, wherever possible, offers excellent agreement.