The insulin receptor (IR) 1 differs from most other receptor tyrosine kinases because it is present in the plasma membrane as a disulfide-linked dimer of two ␣ monomers (1). The  chains are linked to the ␣ chains by class II disulfide bonds, which are resistant to reduction; Cys 647 is the ␣ chain residue involved in the class II disulfides (2). The two ␣ chains are extracellular and are linked by class I disulfide bonds, which are easily reduced by dithiothreitol (3). At least two ␣ chain cysteine residues are involved in the class I disulfide bonds (4, 5), one of which is cysteine 524 (6 -8).In a previous work, we reported that the cysteine residues involved in the class I disulfides between the ␣ chains were Cys 524 and Cys 682 (9). Whereas the involvement of Cys 524 in the class I disulfides had been suggested by other investigators (6 -8), evidence that at least one of the cysteine residues of the triplet at positions 682, 683, and 685 formed an additional disulfide bond was presented subsequently by Sparrow et al.(10). Further support was provided by the report that an ␣-subunit fragment, in which amino acids 469 -703 and 718 -729 had been deleted, is a monomer and binds insulin (11).A curious finding of the previous work was that when cells expressing the IR C524S,C682S mutant were incubated with insulin before solubilization of the receptors, most of the receptors dimerized. We became concerned that the dimerization might be caused by formation of disulfide bonds between Cys 683 and Cys 685 . To investigate this possibility, we constructed another insulin receptor by replacing Cys 683 and Cys 685 , in addition to Cys 524 and Cys 682 , with serine. The new receptors did not form covalent dimers, were expressed on the cell surface, and underwent autophosphorylation in response to insulin while membrane-bound. However, in the monomeric state the insulin receptors had decreased insulin-dependent kinase activity. I-insulin were purchased from PerkinElmer Life Sciences. SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate and GelCode Blue Stain Reagent were from Pierce. Ethlyene glycol-bis(succinic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester) (EGS) was purchased from Sigma.Cell Culture and Transient Transfection-COS7 cells were maintained in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 units/ml penicillin, 100 g/ml streptomycin, and 292 g/ml glutamine at 37°C in 5% CO 2 . CHO cells were maintained in F-12 medium with 10% fetal bovine serum at 37°C in 5% CO 2 . To transiently express the insulin receptors, subconfluent cells were transfected with plasmid DNA and LipofectAMINE according to the manufacturer's instructions. The ratio of DNA to LipofectAMINE was 1:3.Construction of Expression Plasmids-The BamHI/XbaI fragment of pECE-C524S,C682S,C685S, which contains serine mutations at residues 524, 682, and 685 (9), was inserted in pBluescript KS(ϩ) to make plasmid pJW5. In order to introduce a BstBI site at the C terminus of the -subunit, a mutagenesis PCR was carried out with T3 primer and primer R1 (C...