Ionizing radiation induces delayed genomic instability in human cells, including chromosomal abnormalities and hyperrecombination. Here, we investigate delayed genome instability of cells exposed to UV radiation. We examined homologous recombination-mediated reactivation of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene in p53-proficient human cells. We observed an ϳ5-fold enhancement of delayed hyperrecombination (DHR) among cells surviving a low dose of UV-C (5 J/m 2 ), revealed as mixed GFP ؉/؊ colonies. UV-B did not induce DHR at an equitoxic (75 J/m 2 ) dose or a higher dose (150 J/m 2 ). UV is known to induce delayed hypermutation associated with increased oxidative stress. We found that hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) mutation frequencies were ϳ5-fold higher in strains derived from GFP ؉/؊ (DHR) colonies than in strains in which recombination was directly induced by UV (GFP ؉ colonies). To determine whether hypermutation was directly caused by hyperrecombination, we analyzed hprt mutation spectra. Large-scale alterations reflecting large deletions and insertions were observed in 25% of GFP ؉ strains, and most mutants had a single change in HPRT. In striking contrast, all mutations arising in the hypermutable GFP ؉/؊ strains were small (1-to 2-base) changes, including substitutions, deletions, and insertions (reminiscent of mutagenesis from oxidative damage), and the majority were compound, with an average of four hprt mutations per mutant. The absence of large hprt deletions in DHR strains indicates that DHR does not cause hypermutation. We propose that UV-induced DHR and hypermutation result from a common source, namely, increased oxidative stress. These two forms of delayed genome instability may collaborate in skin cancer initiation and progression.UV radiation elicits many cellular stress responses attributed to its induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and its ability to directly damage DNA, predominantly forming cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine-pyrimidone 6-4 photoproducts (12,38,68). UV also indirectly produces single-strand breaks and double-strand breaks (DSBs) during DNA replication (42). Because UV can produce strand breaks and other DNA lesions in several ways, it is a powerful mutagen and carcinogen. Solar UV-A (320 to 400 nm) and the higher-energy and shorter wavelength UV-B (290 to 320 nm) penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, and chronic exposures have been linked to melanoma, the most fatal form of skin cancer (56). UV-C (100 to 290 nm) has the highest energy but is blocked by the ozone layer. However, UV-C exposures are possible from artificial sources, including germicidal lamps, arc welding equipment, and mercury arc lamps in older tanning beds. A significant fraction of UV damage is repaired by the nucleotide excision repair system, and patients with nucleotide excision repair defects show marked susceptibility to skin cancer (1, 27, 56). Human nonmelanoma skin cancer correlates with sun exposure (1) and is often associated with p53 mutations at dipyrimidines...