We evaluated the regeneration of the abdom inal w all using a dual-layer collagen biom atrix, and the protective effect on the bow el of fetal abdom inal w all repair in a fetal sheep m odel for gastroschisis. In 14 fetal lam bs, the abdom inal w all w as opened at 79 d ay s' gestation, creating a gastroschisis. In group 1, the gastroschisis w as left uncovered. In group 2, the bow el w as repositioned, an d the defect w as closed b y suturing a collagen biom atrix into the abdom inal wall. A cesarean section w as perform ed at 140 d ay s' gestation, and macroscopic and his tological evaluation w as perform ed. In the five lam bs w ith a gastroschisis, the eviscerated p a rt of the bow el w as coalescent, show ed extensive adhesions, and w as covered b y fibrous peel. In group 2, the abdom inal w all had closed, w ith a firm connection to the native abdom inal wall. The biom atrix w as largely degraded an d replaced b y connective tissue w ith collagen an d fibroblasts, neovascularisation, an d scattered m uscle cells. M inor or no adhesions of the bow el and no peel form ation w ere observed. A bdom inal w all tissue replacem ent using a collagen biom atrix w as feasible in fetal lam bs, resulting in a closed abdom inal w all at birth. Im m ediate closure of the gastroschisis strongly dim inished or prevented bow el adhesions and peel formation.