Objectives: To determine the complications and their management in patientswith giant inguinal hernia. Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out in inSurgical Unit-IV, Liaquat University Hospital Jamshoro, from October 2013 to December 2015.Methodology: This study consisted of 30 patients of giant inguinoscrotal hernias. DetailedHistory was taken from all the patients with special regard to the inguinoscrotal swelling.Detailed Clinical examination of the patient was done .Site of swelling was especially examinedfor assessment of three grades. Grade–I means hernia reaching upto middle of thigh, Grade-IImeans inguinoscrotal contents reaching upto knee joint and Grade-III means contents goingbelow knee level. All data was entered in a specified proforma designed for this purpose.Inclusion criteria were all diagnosed patients of giant inguinoscrotal hernia on the basis ofhistory, clinical examination were included in this study. Exclusion criteria included patientsunfit for surgery, patients below age of 12 years, patients with severe co-morbidity and morbidobese patients. Results: 30 patients included in this study. There was wide variation of ageranging from a minimum of 30 years to 70 years , mean age was 46.28+7.20 years. The patientspresented with more common in right side 21(70%) cases and left side 9(30%) cases. Patientspresented with grade-I 11(36.66%) cases, grade-II 9(30%) cases, grade-III 7(23.33%) cases andgrade IV 3(10%) cases. Giant inguinal hernia were operated Orchidectomy and hernioplasty12(40%) cases, followed by Debulkation of contents and hernioplasty 9(30%) cases andGradual Pneumoperitoneum and hernioplasty 4(13.33%) cases. Complications seen in thisstudy was Respiratory in 3(10%) patients, Abdominal compartmental syndrome in 1(3.33%)patients, Paralytic Ileus in 2(6.66%) patients and Wound Infections in 4(13.33%). Conclusion:In conclusion our study revealed it is commonly to live in our population due to ignorance ofhernia poverty in remote areas and lack of knowledge of disease complications.