Many methods of surgical repair of pure medial orbital fractures have been reported. In this study, we discuss the outcome from the surgical corrections of hydroxyapatite (Biocoral) or porous polyethylene (Medpor) through subciliary approach, and the transnasal endoscopic corrections. Between March 1993 and July 2003, 63 patients were treated with porous polyethylene and 48 patients were treated with hydroxyapatite. Between August 2003 and December 2005, 50 patients were treated with transnasal endoscopic approach. Patients had at least 6 months' follow-up, and the records for diplopia, enophthalmos, and other postoperative complications were reviewed retrospectively. As a result, 1 patient from the group using porous polyethylene, 2 patients from the group using hydroxyapatite, and 1 patient from the endoscopic correction group had enophthalmos. Besides enophthalmos, no other complications were observed. There was no significant statistical correlation among 3 groups. In conclusion, a transnasal endoscopic correction may be considered a useful method for surgical repair of pure medial orbital fractures, with no external facial scar and excellent visualization and accuracy comparable to that of the subciliary approach.