Purpose The indications of deltoid ligament repair in ankle injuries with widened medial clear space in the absence of medial malleolus fracture remain controversial. Many authors reported no difference in long-term functional outcomes, while others stated that persistent medial clear space widening and malreduction are higher when deltoid ligaments went without repair. This meta-analysis aims to report the current published evidence about the outcomes of deltoid ligament repair in ankle fractures. Methods Several databases were searched through May 2018 for comparative studies. The primary outcome was the medial clear space correction, while secondary outcomes included maintenance of medial clear space reduction, pain scores, functional outcome, and total complications if any. Three comparative studies met the inclusion criteria for the meta-analysis. The analysis included a total of 192 patients, 81 in the deltoid ligament repair group and 111 in the non-repair group. Results The medial clear space correction and maintenance of the said correction on final follow-up radiographs were superior in the deltoid ligament repair group. Although the pain scores were better in the repair group at the final follow-up, this did not result in a better functional outcome, with similar total complication rates. Conclusion In conclusion, those who had their deltoid ligament repaired had superior early and late radiological correction of the medial clear space, an indicator of the quality of ankle reduction with better pain scores. However, no differences in the functional outcome and complications rate were reported.