Atrial septal defect (ASD) is the most frequent congenital heart disease in adulthood. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) complicating ASD compels patients seeking medical assistance because of its disabling symptom. Most adult ASD develop PH which render significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of the study is to characterize the clinical profiles of adult patients with ASD. The study design was cross sectional. The subjects were enrolled consecutively from outpatient clinics and inpatient wards. The demography, medical and imaging data were collected and recorded in case report form. Descriptive statistics was applied to characterize the subjects. Seventy-six subjects were enrolled. The majority were women (77.6 %) in the productive and child-bearing ages (63.2%). The most common symptoms were dyspneu on effort, fatigue, and palpitation. Most subjects had functional capacity of WHO class functional II (70.2 %). The mean oxygen saturation was 96.4 %. Based on the echocardiography examination, 77.6% of subjects had suffered from PH. The mean longest diameter of defects were 2.7 cm. The direction of blood flow was mostly left to right (77.6 %). Left and right ventricle function were within normal limit. Right heart catheterization showed mean left atrial pressure 11.5 mmHg, which confirmed the precapillary or arterial PH. Mean pulmonary artery pressure was 42.0 mmHg. The pulmonary artery resistance index mostly less than 4 Wood Unit/ m 2 (63.7 %), indicating the feasibility to close the defect. Whereas 24.6 % of subjects were contraindicated for closing. Pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) was diagnosed in 77.6 % subjects, meanwhile 13.2 % had borderline PAH. In conclusion, most adult ASD patients had developed PAH, mostly young women in productive ages, mainly visited hospital due to symptom of PH, the direction of flow predominantly left to right side and mostly had reduced functional capacity.
ABSTRAKDefek septum atrium (DSA) merupakan penyakit jantung bawaan yang paling sering dijumpai pada usia dewasa karena tanda dan gejalanya yang samar. Hipertensi paru (HP) merupakan komplikasi DSA yang mendorong pasien ke rumah sakit karena munculnya gejala yang berat. Hampir semua pasien DSA dewasa mengalami HP yang menyebabkan angka kesakitan dan kematian bermakna. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji karakteristik klinis pasien dengan DSA dan HP. Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang. J Med Sci, Volume 48, No. 2, 2016 April: 89-97
90Subjek diseleksi secara berurutan dari klinik rawat jalan dan rawat inap. Data demografi, medis dan pencitraan dikumpulkan dan dicatat dalam suatu blangko laporan kasus. Penelitian deskriptif dilakukan untuk menilai karakteristik subjek. Sebanyak tujuh puluh enam subjek dilibatkan dalam penelitian. Sebagian besar subjek adalah wanita (77,6%) usia muda, produktif dan subur (63,2%). Gejala paling sering adalah sesak saat aktivitas, mudah lelah, dan berdebar. Sebagian besar pasien masuk dalam kelas fungsional WHO II (70,2%). Rerata saturasi oksigen 96,4%. Berdasar hasil ekok...