Numerous factors have been theorized to affect the development of antimicrobial resistance, including those specific to the host, the organism, the environment, the drug, and the drug prescriber. One variable under the control of the prescriber is the drug dosing regimen. Dosing regimens can vary in dose level, dosing interval, and treatment duration. The current studies examined the relationships between antimicrobial dosing regimens and resistance development by use of an in vivo model. A murine model of systemic Candida albicans infection was used to examine resistance emergence during exposure to the triazole antifungal fluconazole.Data from this experimental model demonstrated that the more frequently administered dosing prevented selection of the isogenic resistant cell populations. Conversely, dosing regimens producing prolonged sub-MIC effects appeared to contribute to the outgrowth of isogenic resistant strains. The association between dosing and resistance emergence observed in the current investigation is disparate from that described for antimicrobial compounds with cidal killing characteristics. The inhibitory or static antimicrobial activity of the triazole compounds may explain these differences.The rapid development and spread of antimicrobial resistance has become an increasingly serious public health problem in a wide range of infectious diseases (3,28,29,37,38,44,45,53,58). New drugs for the treatment of these resistant infections are unlikely to appear soon enough and in sufficient numbers to solve many of the resistance problems. Thus, it is imperative to understand the factors that lead to the evolution of resistance and to design strategies to prevent or delay the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.The need to stem the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance has prompted multiple calls for change in the use of antimicrobial agents to maximize the life spans of these drugs (6,8,10,16,21,22,30,31,38,42,53,55). However, the relationship in the context of use pattern and resistance development is complex and remains, for the most part, undefined. One dosing regimen approach that has been shown to reduce the amplification of resistant strains involves the use of large, infrequent doses of antimicrobials to eliminate not only the susceptible populations but also any resistant mutants (7,13,15,18,25,26,28). The success of this dosing strategy has been demonstrated with a few antimicrobial drug class-organism combinations in which antimicrobial drugs exhibit extensive organism killing or "cidal" activity. For example, Jumbe et al. used an in vivo model system to define the fluoroquinolone concentration likely to select for resistant cell populations (25). However, studies have not considered the large group of antimicrobials that exhibit only inhibitory or "static" effects. These drugs are unable to effectively eliminate pathogen populations. Drug effectiveness is primarily the result of limiting additional organism generations. It is possible that alternative dosing strategies wil...