Inhibition and prevention of mosquito bloodsucking by a topical insecticide, and the consequent infection of Dirofilaria immitis were evaluated using a product containing 10% w/w imidacloprid plus 50% w/w permethrin (I-P solution). Nine healthy beagle dogs divided in three groups of 3 dogs each were administered I-P solution on day 3 (group 1), day 36 (group 2) and not administered (group 3 as a control) before starting the experimental infection. The results showed that the mosquito bloodsucking rate was significantly lower, 12.1% in group 1 (p<0.05) and 11.1% in group 2 (p<0.05), than the 40.6% in group 3, meaning that the inhibition rates in groups 1 and 2 against group 3 were 70.2% and 72.7%. The infection rate of experimental D. immitis infection was 33% in group 1, 33% in group 2 and 100% in group 3, meaning that the prevention rates in groups 1 and 2 against group 3 were 67% and 67%. KEY WORDS: canine, Dirofilaria immitis infection, mosquito bloodsucking, topical insecticide. A spot-type insecticide solution containing both imida-cloprid and permethrin (I-P solution) is expected to show, not only an insecticidal but also a bloodsucking repellent efficacies against mosquito biting, consequently, preventing Dirofilaria immitis infection. Only a few reports, however, have studied on the bloodsucking inhibitory efficacy of imi-dacloprid and permethrin against ticks and fleas [1, 4-6, 8], and mosquitoes [1, 7]. This study was conducted to assess the inhibitory efficacy of I-P solution against bloodsucking by mosquitoes and the preventive efficacy to D. immitis infection by an experimental infection procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS Dogs and experimental groups: Nine healthy female bea-gles were obtained commercially (Nihon Nousan Kogyo Co., Ltd., Tokyo)(weight between 7 and 11 kg, age 9 months) and confirmed to be free of D. immitis infection by the Knott test for microfilaria and a commercial antigen-detecting ELISA kit for adult worms. They were also examined by physical, hematological, blood chemistry and fecal examinations, and confirmed as normal. They were then vaccinated with a commercial mixed vaccine for dog use, housed together in a single kennel with open windows, and fed commercial dog food with free access to clean water throughout the experimental period from June 2006 to Janu-ary 2007, at the laboratory animal facility (School of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan). Groups 1 and 2 were administered I-P solution on day 3 and day 36 before the experimental D. immitis infection, respectively , and group 3 served as a control of the experimental infection without administration of I-P solution. I-P solution: The solution contains a combination of 10% imidacloprid (100 mg/ml) and 50% permethrin (500 mg/ml) (Fortreon TM , Bayer Yakuhin Co., Ltd., Tokyo) and the standard dose is to drop 0.1 ml/kg of the solution on the inter-scapular portion of the back. According to the package insertion, the solution penetrates the sebum and spreads over the skin surface throughout the body wi...