Spherically symmetric direct-drive-ignition designs driven by laser beams with a focal-spot size nearly equal to the target diameter suffer from energy losses due to crossed-beam energy transfer (CBET). Significant reduction of CBET and improvements in implosion hydrodynamic efficiency can be achieved by reducing the beam diameter. Narrow beams increase low-mode perturbations of the targets because of decreased illumination uniformity that degrades implosion performance. Initiating an implosion with nominal beams (equal in size to the target diameter) and reducing the beam diameter by $30%-40% after developing a sufficiently thick target corona, which smooths the perturbations, mitigate CBET while maintaining low-mode target uniformity in ignition designs with a fusion gain ) 1. Direct-drive inertial confinement fusion (ICF) uses the energy of multiple laser beams to illuminate and implode a millimeter-scale capsule containing cryogenic nuclear fuel [1,2]. Fusion reactions are initiated in the central hot spot when the capsule reaches maximum compression. One of the key physical conditions for ignition (i.e., getting fusion gain G > 1, where G is the ratio of the fusion energy to laser energy E L ) is to achieve a high implosion hydrodynamic efficiency ¼ E kin =E L , which characterizes the conversion of E L to kinetic energy E kin of the imploding capsule shell. This condition requires that the shell velocity exceed a minimum threshold value V imp % 3 Â 10 7 cm=s, while maintaining a fuel areal density R * 0:3 g=cm 2 during maximum target compression [3].Direct-drive implosion experiments are conducted on OMEGA [4] and National Ignition Facility [5] laser systems operating at L ¼ 351 nm with on-target overlapped laser intensities I L $ 10 14 À 10 15 W=cm 2 . The laser absorption in the target corona is dominated by inverse bremsstrahlung. To provide the best illumination uniformity, the focal-spot radius of laser beams R b is taken nearly equal to the target radius R t , R b =R t % 1 [6]. Here, R b is defined to encircle 95% of the beam energy. Implosion simulations, assuming energy losses due to only radiation and thermal expansion of the corona, predict % 6%. This hydrodynamic efficiency is sufficient to achieve robust ignition (G ) 1) in designs using E L * 1 MJ [3,7]. Recent studies have shown that crossed-beam energy transfer (CBET) [8] resulting from stimulated Brillouin scattering [9] can cause energy losses reducing by $20%-30% [10,11]. CBET removes energy from incoming light rays that interact with ion-acoustic waves in low-electron-density regions (n e $ 0:2-0:3 n cr , where n cr ¼ 9 Â 10 21 cm À3 is the critical density) of the target corona [8]. The stimulated Brillouin scattering gain responsible for CBET is maximum for incoming center-beam rays and is proportional to the intensity of outgoing rays from edges of opposing beams. Therefore, reducing the intensity at beam edges, or reducing R b , reduces CBET [8].Spherically symmetric implosion experiments on OMEGA employing laser beams with small on-...