“…The concept of usmg ion-exchange to reduce background levels of ammoma/ammoruum in samples 1s not completely new Indeed, Mascmi and Palleschl [12] as well as Meyerhoff and Rechmtz [13] used ion-exchange resins to pretreat urine and blood samples for subsequent enzymeelectrode measurements of creatmme Smularly, post-analytical column ion-exchange 1s the method of choice for reducing the background conductlvlty of the eluent m modem Ion chromatography systems (e g , suppressed systems [14,15]) In replacement Ion-chromatography, an approach pioneered by HleftJe and coworkers [16,171, ions separated on a conventional suppressed Ion-exchange system are further exchanged quantitatively for more readily detected replacement Ions within a third ion exchanger incorporated mto the chromatographlc system In these various chromatographlc arrangements, suppressor and replacement stages of the systems can be classical Ion-exchange columns, although newer monomer membrane-based exchangers, used either m flat or tubular form, offer attractive advantages Indeed, the tubular Ion-exchange fibers can be incorporated conveniently mto flowmg arrangements and mamtamed m their approprlate Ion loaded state by bathing the tubing m a reservoir of surtable electrolyte For efficient cation exchange, varymg lengths of narrow bore Naflon tubing have proved to be quite effective [15,181 In this work, the feaslblhty of usmg Nafion tubing m-line to reduce endogenous catlon mterferences when employmg enzymes that liberate ammoma/ ammomum m conjunction with a flow-mjectlon (FIA) system equipped with an ammoruum Ion electrode detector was examined As a model, the FIA arrangement was configured to determme L-glutamme m bloreactor media via the use of unmoblhzed glutammase This enzyme catalyzes the followmg reactlon L-glutamme --, L-glutamate + NH: Figure 1 illustrates the basic manifold arrangement used for L-glutamme measurements m bloreactor media Evaluation of the efflaency of the m-hne ion-exchange system and the practical Improvements m the selectlvlty were camed out with a very sumlar arrangement, except that the stream of NaCl solution (A) was ehmmated The NaCl stream was added to the final system to help mmlmlze electncal noise and drift, and to enhance basehne recovery In all cases, solution delivery was accomplished with a Ramm multlchannel penstaltlc pump (Woburn, MA) A PTFE a rotary mJectlon valve (Rheodyne, Cotatl, CA) with a 20-~1 sample loop was used for sample and standard mtroductlon…”