In addition, the persistence of populations at high depletion rates has important implications in the considerations of strategies for the management of biological resources.The spatiotemporal organization of a single-species population can show many different dynamics that can change because of migration. Though unstable dynamics such as chaos has been exhibited by both discrete theoretical models of population growth and experimental data (1-6), populations undergoing chaotic oscillations are assumed to run a high risk of extinction due to large variations and low-minimum population size. This and insect field data (7, 8) has led to the view that chaotic oscillations are unrealistic and hence are likely to be selected against during evolution. It has been shown that common ecological processes, such as immigration, tend to stabilize chaotic oscillations or reestablish the population (5, 9-12), thereby suppressing unstable growth dynamics. It is also intuitively apparent and generally borne out by data that emigration or increased depletion and harvesting from a population can cause population extinction, especially if the population size is small (9, 13-15). Models of population growth have been used for predicting optimal use of natural biological resources and deciding on harvesting strategies for the maximum sustainable yield from resources such as fisheries (15, 16). However, both natural and laboratory data have always had cases where populations continue to persist in small numbers without going extinct and where some species of large population size go rapidly extinct (7,(17)(18)(19)(20); the data in ref. 17 on the small populations of five species of birds that never went extinct irrespective of body sizes needs to be noted.). Therefore, the nonlinear interaction of growth rates, population size, and rates of migration (i.e., addition and depletion to populations) is important for an understanding of population behavior, especially the "fourth regime"-i.e., extinction (4).In this study with a common discrete population growth model, which is widely used for modeling population growth and harvesting strategies, we show that (i) populations under- [1] where Xi is the population density in the ith generation and R is the intrinsic growth rate. When such a population undergoes a constant (L) amount of emigration, depletion, or harvesting regularly at every generation, the growth equation (Eq. 1) takes the form,Eq. 1 has been studied extensively (3) and is considered to be a simple model for illustrating the occurrence of chaotic oscillations in one-dimensional maps, where increasing R induces period-doubling bifurcations leading to chaos. Eq. 1 possesses one equilibrium point, and the stability of the fixed point and the consequent dynamics exhibited by the system are dependent on R alone. Inclusion of a constant immigration term in this model has been shown (11) to reduce the occurrence of chaos at higher growth rates. When considering populations undergoing a constant emigration at every generat...