We present a systematic study of the spin and charge dynamics of copper oxide superconductors as a function of carrier concentration x. Our results portray a coherent physical picture, which reveals a quantum critical point at optimum doping (x = xopt), and the formation of an inhomogeneous glassy state at x < xopt. This mechanism is argued to arise as an intrinsic property of doped Mott insulators, and therefore to be largely independent of material quality and level of disorder.Many interesting materials ranging from magnetorestrictive manganite films [1] and field-effect transistors [2,3], to unconventional low dimensional superconductors [4], find themselves close to the metal-insulator transition. In this regime, competition between several distinct ground states [4] produces unusual behavior, displaying striking similarities in a number of different systems. Electronic heterogeneity [1,5] emerges, giving rise to "mesoscopic" coexistence of different ordered phases. Typically, a large number of possible configurations of these local regions have comparable energies, resulting in slow relaxation, aging, and other signatures of glassy systems. Because the stability of such ordering is controlled by doping-dependent quantum fluctuations [6,7] introduced by itinerant carriers, these systems can be regarded as prototypical quantum glasses -a new paradigm of strongly correlated matter.In this Letter we report the emergence and evolution of dynamical heterogeneity and glassy behavior across the phase diagram of the high-transition-temperature (T c ) superconductors (HTS). Based on data of the spin and charge dynamics, we draw a phase diagram (Fig. 1) and propose that self generated glassiness [5] may be a key feature necessary to understand many of the unconventional properties of both the superconducting and the normal state.Glassiness in the pseudo-gap phase. In the archetypal HTS, La 2−x Sr x CuO 4 (LSCO) the parent 2D antiferromagnetic insulator (AFI) La 2 CuO 4 displays a sharp peak in the magnetic susceptibility at the Neel temperature T N = 300K. T N decreases with hole-doping and the transition width broadens (Fig. 2 -upper panel). Concurrently, there is systematic experimental evidence from various techniques and on several HTS that a second freezing transition (T F ) emerges at lower temperatures with the first added holes (Fig. 2) [8,9,10,11,12,13]. At x > 0.02, T N = 0 but the short range order persists [14]: the low-field susceptibility displays a cusp at low temperatures and a thermal hysteresis below, characteristic of a spin glass transition (T g ) (Fig. 2 -upper panel). At T < T g the material displays memory effects like "traditional" spin glasses and is described by an Edwards-Anderson order parameter [15]. Interestingly, it is at this doping range that a pseudogap phase develops [4,16].