Task-based language teaching (TBLT) has been attracting the attention of researchers for more than 2 decades. Research on various aspects of TBLT has been accumulating, including the evaluation studies on the implementation of TBLT in classrooms. The evaluation studies on students' and teachers' reactions to TBLT in the online courses are starting to gain momentum, and this study adds to this line of research by enhancing our understanding of the implementation of TBLT in an online ab initio course. This study investigated the implementation of a TBLT syllabus in an ab initio online Chinese as foreign language course over a semester. Surveys and interviews with the students and the instructors revealed that students reacted positively to the online TBLT experience, and analyses of students' performance at the end of the semester suggested that this pedagogy produced good learning outcomes. This study also identified some challenges and advantages of the online context for TBLT.TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING (TBLT) has been attracting the attention of researchers and language educators since Prabhu (1987) first proposed and experimented with task-based approaches in secondary school classrooms. The essence of TBLT is that communicative tasks serve as the basic units of the curriculum and are the sole elements in the pedagogical cycle in which primacy is given to meaning. TBLT presents a way to realize communicative language teaching at the syllabus design and methodology level (Littlewood, 2004; Nunan, 2004;Richards, 2005). Acknowledging the different approaches to task definition, Samuda and Bygate (2008) define a pedagogical task as "a holistic activity which engages language use in order to achieve some nonlinguistic outcomes while meeting a linguis-