Since a lot of drugs that were used for the treatment of malaria has shown resistance to the Plasmodium species. Even the ACT (Artemisia combination therapy) is not effective in certain cases. There is a need to look for some alternatives, which are effective in the clinical treatment of malaria and affordable for the general population. A therapy called Artemisia annua dry leaf antimalarial therapy (ALT) has been shown to be effective against artemisinin-resistant malarial infections and its treatment is resilient to resistance development in animal model systems. This proves to be an effective alternative to presently available antimalarials. This review defines the characteristics of different species of malaria-causing parasites, their vectors, endemicity, and features of the disease development, followed by properties of currently used (approved) antimalarials. The choices and methodologies of administration of antimalarials to adult, child, pregnant, and lactating women patients with acute and complicated malaria are described, followed by strategies to combat drug-resistant malaria, especially artemisinin resistance. A special emphasis on the origin, empirical basis, evidence on clinical efficacy, and cost aspects of ALT is given, along with the focus on the possibilities of repurposing ALT as a treatment for a variety of autoimmune, metabolic, and cancerous diseases.