Abbreviations: %dd(10) x , The photon component of the percent depth dose at 10 cm depth in water for a 10 cm 2 × 10 cm 2 field; L∕ w air , Restricted mass collision stopping power ratio of water to air; en ∕ , Spectrum-averaged mass energy-absorption coefficient; AAPM, American Association of Physicists in Medicine; CPE, Charged Particle Equilibrium; DLG, Dosimetric leaf gap; D f msr w,Q msr , Absorbed dose to water at the reference depth z ref in water in the absence of the detector in a field specified by f msr and beam quality Q msr .; f clin , Clinical (clin) non-reference radiation field; f msr , Machine-specific reference (msr) field; f ref , Reference field (ref) specified in dosimetry protocols for which the calibration coefficient of an ionization chamber in terms of absorbed dose to water is provided by a standards laboratory; FWHM, Full-width at half-maximum; GUM, Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurements.; IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency; ICRU, International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements; IMRT, Intensity-modulated radiation therapy; k Q,Q 0 , The beam-quality correction factor, which corrects for the differences between the response of an ionization chamber in the reference beam of quality Q o used for calibrating the chamber and the beam of quality Q (defined as k Q . in TG-51 4 ); k f ref Q,Q 0 , Correction factor that accounts for the differences between the response of a detector in field f ref in a beam of quality Q and reference beam quality Q 0 as defined in TRS-483. 1 and Palmans et al 2 ; k fclin,fmsr Qclin,Q msr , The detector-specific correction factor that accounts for the difference between the responses of the detector in fields f clin in a beam of quality Q clin and in fields f msr in beam of quality Q msr as defined by Alfonso et al. 3 ; LCPE, Lateral charged particle equilibrium; M fmsr Qmsr , Detector reading in field f msr and beam quality Q msr corrected for influence of changes in pressure and temperature, incomplete charge collection, polarity effect and electrometer correction factor (TRS-483 1 ); MU, Monitor unit; N D,w,Q 0 , This is N D,w in TG-51, 4 and defined as the calibration coefficient in terms of absorbed dose to water for an ionization chamber at a reference beam of quality,Q 0 and field size f ref ; N f ref D,w,Q 0