We explore the dark matter detection prospects in the
Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in the scenario where the
scalar partners of the fermions and the Higgs particles (except for
the Standard-Model-like one) are assumed to be very heavy and are
removed from the low-energy spectrum. We analyse the neutralino LSP
(χ10) in scenarios where the gaugino mass parameters are
universal at the GUT scale and also the case where they are
non-universal. This analysis is carried out in the framework of a
Xenon-like 100 kg experiment. In general, an important fraction
of the parameter space giving rise to the dark matter relic density
measured by WMAP can be probed and excluded in the case of not
detecting any WIMP. In the opposite case, once a WIMP signal has
been found, we show that for a light χ10 which is a
higgsino-gaugino mixture it is possible to reconstruct efficiently
the mass and the scattering cross-section of the neutralino LSP.
Moreover, we show that it is also feasible to put strong constraints
over some of the parameters of the Lagrangian, e.g. the higgsino and
the gaugino mass parameters.