The Vision for Space Exploration dictates retiring of the aging Space Shuttle and replacing it with a newer spacecraft, the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). The CEV should be able to travel to low Earth orbit, to the Moon, to Mars and beyond. We formulate the requirements needed for the optimal design and configuration of the CEV using systematic design methodologies of Need Analysis, Function Structure generation and evolution of conceptual designs based on them. Three different concepts are formed that cater to the Need Statement and only one concept is finally selected based upon evaluation parameters, taking the Space Shuttle as the datum.
NomenclatureCEV = Crew Exploration Vehicle CM = Command Module of Apollo Spacecraft ERV1 = Earth Return Vehicle 1 ERV2 = Earth Return Vehicle 2 GCR = Galactic Cosmic Radiation ISS = International Space Station LEO = Low Earth Orbit LM = Lunar Module of Apollo spacecraft MIV = Mars-orbit Injection Vehicle MRV = Mars-orbit Rendezvous Vehicle NTR = Nuclear Thermal Reactor RCS = Reaction Control System SM = Service Module of Apollo spacecraft STK = Satellite Tool Kit SS = Space Shuttle