This work was performed as part of the Technetium Management Program Plan by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Environmental Management. We would like to thank Dr. Nicholas Machara of the Office of Technology Development for his continuing support of this work. We would also like to thank Brandon Hodge, Jim Coleman and Jeremiah Ledbetter of Savannah River Remediation (SRR) for their continuing support in terms of providing the extensive DWPF operating data that formed the basis of this work and David McGuire of SRNL for interfacing with the SRR personnel for the necessary data collection. We would also like to recognize Fabienne Johnson of SRNL for compiling the analytical data for the Tank 40 sludge and glass pour stream samples in a spreadsheet for ready input into the model. Finally, we would like to thank all DOE and SRNL personnel who reviewed the draft report and provided insightful comments. Particularly, the extensive comments provided by Dr. A. Kruger of the Office of River Protection (ORP) at the DOE's Hanford Site helped improve the clarity and completeness of the technical contents presented in this report.