to a perjury charge, and became the principal topic of Clinton's testimony before a federal grand jury on August 17, 1998 (Solan and Tiersma 2005, pp. 230-233). In particular, Clinton was accused of lying, stating that Lewinsky told the truth when she said that they had no sexual relationships. The following is an excerpt from the transcripts of Clinton's perjury trial before the Senate 1 : Case 3.1: Clinton's Sexual Relationship Question: Do you remember in the deposition that Mr. Bennett asked you about that? This is at the end of the -of the -toward the end of the deposition. And you indicated -he asked you whether the statement that Ms. Lewinsky made in her affidavit was true. And you indicated that it was absolutely correct. Clinton: I did. […] I believe at the time that she filled out this affidavit, if she believed that the definition of sexual relationship was two people having intercourse, then this is accurate. And I believe that is the definition that most ordinary Americans would give it.If you said Jane and Harry had a sexual relationship -and they're not talking about people being drawn into a lawsuit and being given a definition and then a great effort to trick them in some way -but you're just talking about people in an ordinary conversation, I bet the grand jurors, if they were talking about two people they know and said they had a sexual relationship, they meant they were sleeping together. They meant they were having intercourse together.Clinton in this case relied on the ambiguity of "sexual relationship" and explicated the meaning of his own statement by defining the term narrowly. Clinton was thus found not to have lied, as he was only committed to not having had intercourse (which was true).