Ectogenesis is the practice of developing organisms in artificial settings, with applications that range from improving the outcomes of preterm babies to treating fertility issues. It was unveiled in 2017 and provides possibilities for both partial and full ectogenesis while sustaining fetal lambs with concepts like the biobag. Utilizing biobag artificial uteri, complete ectogenesis is the confinement of a woman’s pregnancy in an artificial womb from the inception of the embryonic stage to full gestation; while partial ectogenesis is the utilization of a biobag artificial uterus to continue gestation ex-utero. Ectogenesis may have advantages, but there are concerns about how it will affect children’s social and psychological development. It can benefit biological parenthood, newborn care, fetal therapy, maternal-fetal disputes, societal growth, reduce health risks, and alter cultural norms while promoting reproductive equity. Due to possible risks, rigorous research on human subjects is required before ectogenesis may be implemented. The paper seeks to provide a thorough study for society’s conversation and deliberation, examining its potential advantages as well as its technical, ethical, and regulatory elements.