Advertisements are manipulative and have the ability to shift one's perspective. Masculinity is a socially constructed concept often conveyed using an ad that presents a certain beauty standard. This research aims to show that even though they are using a non-dominant masculine model, the stereotype still exists. In fact, the media should be the one who empowers the marginalized group, instead of forcing the stereotype onto them. The research method used is a multimodal theory by Kress and Van Leeuwen. Advertisement is one of the mass media included in the multimodal discourse due to the complexity of semiotic sources in meaning-making. This complexity is a result of the messages being conveyed verbally and virtually, which created a whole unit of meaning. The research question of this study is how masculinity is represented in the MSGlow For Men's advertisement. MSGlow For Men's ad is chosen as the object because it is a unique and distinct ad for it features men from the marginalized and non-dominant masculine group. The result of the research reveals that MSGlow For Men's ad doesn't break the existing men stereotype, but marginalizes the non-dominant masculinity group. The production of the ad and the use of brand ambassadors don't aim to sell the product or break the stereotype but to support the existing stereotype and only for the sake of virality.