We consider integrable vertex models whose Boltzmann weights (Rmatrices) are trigonometric solutions to the graded Yang-Baxter equation. As is well known the latter can be generically constructed from quantum affine superalgebras Uq(ĝ). These algebras do not form a symmetry algebra of the model for generic values of the deformation parameter q when periodic boundary conditions are imposed. If q is evaluated at a root of unity we demonstrate that in certain commensurate sectors one can construct non-abelian subalgebras which are translation invariant and commute with the transfer matrix and therefore with all charges of the model. In the line of argument we introduce the restricted quantum superalgebra U res q (ĝ) and investigate its root of unity limit. We prove several new formulas involving supercommutators of arbitrary powers of the Chevalley-Serre generators and derive higher order quantum Serre relations as well as an analogue of Lustzig's quantum Frobenius theorem for superalgebras.