-This article describes a 76 years old man that, after lung cancer surgery, showed left extrinsic oculomotor paralysis and contralateral paralysis of the superior rectus muscle associated with bilateral ptosis. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed a rare situation characterized by an isolated metastasis in the region of the left third cranial nerve nucleus, probably compromising the superior rectus subnucleus and the central caudal nucleus, therefore justifying the bilateral oculomotor involvement.KEY WORDS: Cranial third nerve nucleus, metastasis, ophthalmoplegia.Metástase para o complexo nuclear oculomotor unilateral: relato de caso RESUMO -O presente relato descreve um homem de 76 anos que, após ciru rgia de câncer de pulmão apresentou paralisia oculomotora extrínseca à esquerda e paralisia contralateral do músculo reto superior, além de ptose palpebral bilateral. O exame de ressonância magnética evidenciou uma rara situação caracterizada por metástase isolada na região do núcleo do terc e i ro nervo craniano esquerdo provavelmente comp rometendo o sub-núcleo do reto superior e o núcleo central caudal, justificando assim o envolvimento óculo motor bilateral. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Núcleo do III nervo cranial, metástase, oftalmoplegia. c a rcinoma in the right lung. A right inferior lobectomy with mediastinal linfadenectomy was done without interc u rrences. Based on the TNM international staging system, his lung cancer was classified as T III N 0 M 0. Ten days later, he had a rapidly pro g ressive bilateral ptosis. Examination revealed a lucid, oriented, and concerned patient, with cranial nerve III extrinsic palsy in the left eye and right ptosis associated with up gaze palsy (Fig 1). His pupils were of medium caliber, symmetric, and responded to light. He could forcefully close his eyes. The fundus oculis was irrem a rcable, and the remainder of the examination was unrevealing. He had no headaches, fever, or signs of intracranial hypertension. Eletro n e u romiography examination was n o rmal and the brain MRI demonstrated a lesion in the midbrain adjacent to the cerebral aqueduct, in the re g i o n of the left oculom otor nucleus (Fig 2). Radiotherapy w as done, and after that, the patient phy sically deteriorated without changes in the oculomotor aspects, until his death one month later. Post Mortem, the patient's daughter has f o rmally given authorization for the publication of this case report.D i ff e rent kinds of lesions can compromise the t h i rdnerve nucleus 1 , 2 . Solitary metastasis to the brainstem is uncommon; isolated metastasis concern i n g the nucleus of the third cranial nerve is even rare r. Ve rtical eye movements are organized in the midbrain, with ipsilateral oculomotor paralysis and contralateral paralysis of the superior rectus muscle, when the third nerve nucleus is unilaterally damaged, associated with bilateral ptosis, when the lesion also affects the central caudal nucleus 3 .The aim of this article is to re p o rt a rare case of bilateral oculomotor signs and magnetic re s ...