“…Suppose now that h and t are the quantum numbers of an N = 4 hws in a unitary representation, i.e., and let c be its U(1) charge. The g-product in (A.1) corresponds, in theŝl(2|1; C) k Kac-Kazhdan determinant formula [23,11], to the factors, φ (0) n ((ᾱ 1 +ᾱ 2 ), 0, m), φ (0) n (−(ᾱ 1 +ᾱ 2 ), 0, 1 + m), m ∈ Z + , n ∈ N, (A.4) in the notations of [5], when theŝl(2|1; C) k hws has isospin 1 2 h − and hypercharge 1 2 h + . So, whenever a factor of the g-product vanishes, i.e.…”