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IN PRESS: Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.Do not quote without authors' consent.
AbstractWe investigated children's ability to generate associations and how automaticity of associative activation unfolds developmentally. Children generated associative responses using a single-(Experiment 1) or a DRM-like multiple-associates paradigm (Experiment 2). The results indicated that children's ability to generate meaningful word associates, and the automaticity with which they were generated, increased between the ages of 5, 7, and 11 years. These findings suggest that children's domain-specific knowledge base and the associative connections among related concepts are present and continue to develop from a very early age. Moreover, there is an increase in how automatically these concepts are activated with age, something that results from domain general developments in speed of processing. These changes are consistent with the neurodevelopmental literature and together, may provide a more complete explanation of the development of memory illusions.