Motivated by the definition of a semigroup compactification of a locally compact group and a large collection of examples, we introduce the notion of an (operator) "homogeneous left dual Banach algebra" (HLDBA) over a (completely contractive) Banach algebra A. We prove a Gelfand-type representation theorem showing that every HLDBA over A has a concrete realization as an (operator) homogeneous left Arens product algebra: the dual of a subspace of A * with a compatible (matrix) norm and a type of left Arens product . Examples include all left Arens product algebras over A, but also -when A is the group algebra of a locally compact group -the dual of its Fourier algebra. Beginning with any (completely) contractive (operator) A-module action Q on a space X, we introduce the (operator) Fourier space (F Q (A * ), · Q ) and prove that (F Q (A * ) * , ) is the unique (operator) HLDBA over A for which there is a weak * -continuous completely isometric representation as completely bounded operators on X * extending the dual module representation. Applying our theory to several examples of (completely contractive) Banach algebras A and module operations, we provide new characterizations of familiar HLDBAs over A and we recover -and often extend -some (completely) isometric representation theorems concerning these HLDBAs. Primary MSC codes: 47L10, 47L25, 43A20, 43A30, 46H15, 46H25