We extend the uniqueness and simplicity results of Cuntz and Krieger to the countably infinite case, under a row-finite condition on the matrix A. Then we present a new approach to calculating the K-theory of the Cuntz-Krieger algebras, using the gauge action of T, which also works when A is a countably infinite 0-1 matrix. This calculation uses a dual Pimsner-Voiculescu six-term exact sequence for algebras carrying an action of T. Finally, we use these new results to calculate the K-theory of the Doplicher-Roberts algebras. §L Introduction In [4], [5], [3], Cuntz and Krieger studied the C* -algebras generated by a family of n non-zero partial isometries S, f satisfying the Cuntz-Krieger relationswhere A is an nX n, 0-1 matrix with no zero row or column. Let SA denote the set of finite sequences fi= (^i, In particular, if A is irreducible (i.e. for all i,/, there is a strictly positive integer m=m(i, /) such that A m (i, /) =£0) and is not a permutation matrix, then A satisfies condition (l) . It was shown in [5] that when A satisfies (l) , the C * -algebra generated by the Si, i=l,-~, n is independent of the choice of the partial isometries Si, and simple whenever A is irreducible. It may therefore be denoted by 6 A-More precisely, in [5, 2.13 and 2.14] it was shown that:•
. ( i ) Suppose that A is a finite {0,1} matrix satisfying (l) and Si, T i, i=l,°--,n, are two families of non~ zero partial isometries satisfying the same Cuntz-Krieger relations (l) . Then the map S,-H * Ti extends to an isomorphism of C* (Si,-,S«) ontoC*(Ti,-,T»).( ii ) If the matrix A is irreducible and not a permutation matrix, then the C* -algebra 6 A = C* (Si,-,S W ) is simple.In the next section we give conditions (j) on a countably infinite 0-1 matrix A, under which the following theorem holds:
Theorem 1, ( i ) Suppose that A is a countably infinite {0,1} matrix satisfying (j) and Si, Ti, i^N are two families of non-zero partial isometries satisfying the same infinite Cuntz-Krieger relations. Then the map Si h-» T, extends to an isomorphism of C * (S i) onto C * ( T ,-) . ( ii ) If the matrix A row-finite and irreducible then the C * -algebre &&=€* (S/ ) is simple.While condition (j) is analogous to condition ( I ), in order to get the simplicity result, we must assume irreducibility and a finiteness condition to ensure that certain topological obstacles do not occur. In the third section we review the proof of the following theorem of Kishimoto and Takai, [9, Theorem 2] , since we shall need explicit details of the isomorphism later.
K-THEORY OF CUNTZ-KRIEGER ALGEBRAS 417Theorem 2 8 Let B be unital C * -algebra and $ a strongly continuous action of a compact group G which has large spectral subspaces, then the fixed point algebra B® is stably isomorphic to BX &G.In the fourth section, we calculate the K-theory of the GA defined in the first section, generalising the results for finite matrices (see [5] , [3] ) . In particular, we prove the following: