We extend Koszul calculus defined on quadratic algebras by Berger, Lambre, Solotar (Koszul calculus, Glasg. Math. J.) to N -homogeneous algebras for any N ≥ 2, quadratic algebras corresponding to N = 2. We emphasize that N -homogeneous algebras are considered in full generality, with no Koszulity assumption. Koszul cup and cap products are introduced and are reduced to usual cup and cap products if N = 2, but if N > 2, they are defined by very specific expressions. These specific expressions are compatible with the Koszul differentials and provide associative products on classes.There is no associativity in general on chains-cochains, suggesting that Koszul cochains should constitute an A∞-algebra, acting as an A∞-bimodule on Koszul chains. 2010 MSC: 16S37, 16S38, 16E40, 16E45. Keywords: N -homogeneous algebras, N -Koszul algebras, Koszul (co)homology, Hochschild (co)homology, cup and cap products.by Priddy when N = 2 [36]. Since then, N -homogeneous algebras and N -Koszul algebras have been connected to the following domains.