A q-analogue of the Higgs algebra, which describes the symmetry properties of the harmonic oscillator on the 2-sphere, is obtained as the commutant of the o q 1/2 (2) ⊕ o q 1/2 (2) subalgebra of o q 1/2 (4) in the q-oscillator representation of the quantized universal enveloping algebra U q (u(4)). This q-Higgs algebra is also found as a specialization of the Askey-Wilson algebra embedded in the tensor product U q (su(1, 1)) ⊗ U q (su(1, 1)). The connection between these two approaches is established on the basis of the Howe duality of the pair o q 1/2 (4), U q (su(1, 1)) . 1 luc.frappat@lapth.cnrs.fr 2 gaboriaud@CRM.UMontreal.CA 3 eric.ragoucy@lapth.cnrs.fr 4 vinet@CRM.UMontreal.CA It is endowed with a Hopf structure with coproduct ∆ :We shall denote by U q (su(1, 1)) the non-compact real form of U q (sl 2 ) that has the three generators J ± and J 0 obeying J 0 , J ± = ±J ± , J − J + − q 2 J + J − = q 2J 0 2J 0 q .(1.4)