The rook monoid R k is the monoid of k × k matrices with entries from {0, 1} and at most one nonzero entry in each row and column. Recently, the representation theory of its "IwahoriHecke" algebra R k (q), called the q-rook monoid algebra, has been analyzed. In particular, a Schur-Weyl type duality on tensor space was found for the q-rook monoid algebra and its irreducible representations were given explicit combinatorial constructions. In this paper we show that, in fact, the q-rook monoid algebra is a quotient of the affine Hecke algebra of type A. With this knowledge in hand, we show that the recent results on the q-rook monoid algebras actually come from known results about the affine Hecke algebra. In particular (a) The recent combinatorial construction of the irreducible representations of R k (q) byHalverson . Though these results show that the representation theory of the q-rook monoid algebra is "just" a piece of the representation theory of the affine Hecke algebra, this was not at all obvious at the outset. It was only on the analysis of the recent results in [So4] and [Ha] that the similarity to affine Hecke algebra theory was noticed. This observation then led us to search for and establish a concrete connection between these algebras.The q-rook monoid algebra was first studied in its q = 1 version in the 1950's by Munn [Mu1-2]. Solomon [So1] discovered the general q-version of the algebra as a Hecke algebra (double coset algebra) for the finite algebraic monoid M n (F q ) of n × n matrices over a finite field with q elements, with respect to the "Borel subgroup" B of invertible upper triangular matrices. Later Solomon [So2] found a Schur-Weyl duality for R k (1) in which R k (1) acts as the centralizer algebra for the action of the general linear group GL n (C) on V ⊗k where V = L(ε 1 ) ⊕ L(0) is the direct sum of the "fundamental" n-dimensional representation and the trivial module L(0) for GL n (C). Then Solomon [So3,4] gave a presentation of R k (q) by generators and relations and defined an action of R k (q) on tensor space.Halverson [Ha] found a new presentation of R k (q) and used it to show that Solomon's action of R k (q) on tensor space extends the Schur-Weyl duality so that R k (q) is the centralizer of the quantum general linear group U q gl(n) on V ⊗k where now V = L(ε 1 ) ⊕ L(0) is the direct sum of the "fundamental" and the trivial module for U q gl(n). Halverson also exploited his new presentation to construct, combinatorially, all the irreducible representations of R k (q) when R k (q) is semisimple.The main results of this paper are the following:(a) We find yet another presentation (1.6) of R k (q) by generators and relations. (b) Our new presentation shows thatwhere H k (0, 1; q) is the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of type B k with parameters specialized to 0 and 1, and I is the ideal generated by the minimal ideal of H 2 (0, 1; q) corresponding to the pair of partitions λ = ((1 2 ), ∅).(c) We show that the irreducible representations of R k (q) found in [Ha] come from the constructi...