We study finite-dimensional representations of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a surface S. In particular, we construct invariants of such irreducible representations when the underlying parameter q = e 2πi is a root of unity. The main one of these invariants is a point in the character variety consisting of group homomorphisms from the fundamental group π 1 (S) to SL 2 (C), or in a twisted version of this character variety. The proof relies on certain miraculous cancellations that occur for the quantum trace homomorphism constructed by the authors. These miraculous cancellations also play a fundamental role in subsequent work of the authors, where novel examples of representations of the skein algebra are constructed.For an oriented surface S of finite topological type and for a Lie group G, many areas of mathematics involve the character varietywhere G acts on homomorphisms by conjugation. For G = SL 2 (C), Turaev [Tu 1 ] showed that the corresponding character variety R SL 2 (C) (S) can be quantized by the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of the surface; see also [BuFK 1 , BuFK 2 , PrS]. In fact, if one follows the physical tradition that a quantization of a space X replaces the commutative algebra of functions on X by a non-commutative algebra of operators on a Hilbert space, the points of an actual quantization of the character variety R SL 2 (C) (S) should be representations of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra.This article studies finite-dimensional representations of the skein algebra of a surface. The Kauffman bracket skein algebra S A (S) depends on a parameter A = e πi ∈ C − {0}, and is defined as follows. One first considers the vector space freely generated by all isotopy classes of framed links in the thickened surface S × [0, 1], and then one takes the quotient of this space by two relations: the main one is the skein relation thatwhenever the three links K 1 , K 0 and K ∞ ⊂ S × [0, 1] differ only in a little ball where they are as represented on Figure 1; the second relation states that [O] = −(A 2 + A −2 )[∅] for the trivial framed knot O and the empty link ∅. The algebra multiplication is defined by superposition of skeins. See §2 for details.Our goal is to study representations of the skein algebra, namely algebra homomorphisms ρ : S A (S) → End(V ) where V is a finite-dimensional vector space over C. See [BoW 2 ] for an interpretation of such representations as generalizations of the Kauffman bracket Date: June 5, 2018.