Seeds offer plants a unique opportunity to suspend their life cycles in a desiccated state. This enables them to endure adverse environmental conditions and then resume growth using endogenous storage reserves when more favorable conditions develop. Seed formation is an intricate genetically programmed process that is correlated with changes in metabolite levels and is regulated by a complex signaling network mediated mainly by hormone and sugar levels. 3,4 Seed development can be divided into two stages, embryo morphogenesis and maturation. The hallmarks of maturation include storage compound accumulation, acquisition of desiccation tolerance, growth arrest and entry into a dormancy period that is broken upon germination. 5 In Arabidopsis, three members of the B3 family of transcription factors, LEAFY COTYLEDON (LEC) 2, ABSCISIC ACID-INSENTITIVE 3 (ABI3) and FUSCA 3 (FUS3) as well as a fourth regulator, a HAP3 subunit of the CCAAT-box binding transcription factor (CBF) LEC1, are master regulators of seed maturation processes. A redundant gene regulatory network linking these regulators was elucidated by examining the expression of ABI3, FUS3 and LEC2 in abi3, fus3, lec1 and lec2 single, double and triple mutants. 6 In combination with ABA, GA, auxin and sugar signaling, this regulatory network governs most seed-specific maturation traits in a partially redundant manner. 6 The regulatory networks controlling the seed maturation program in flowering plants are repressed prior to germination so that seed storage reserves do not accumulate during vegetativeIn flowering plants, seed development and seed filling are intricate genetically programmed processes that correlate with changes in metabolite levels and that are spatially and temporally regulated by a complex signaling network mediated mainly by sugars and hormones. ASIL1, a member of the plant-specific trihelix family of DNA-binding transcription factors, was isolated based on its interaction with the GT-element of the Arabidopsis thaliana 2S albumin At2S3 promoter. Mutation of ASIL1 derepressed expression of a subset of embryonic genes resulting in accumulation of 2S albumin and embryo-specific lipids in leaves. 1 It was recently reported that mutation of ASIL1 led to early embryo development in Arabidopsis. 2 In this study, we demonstrated that ASIL1 acts as a temporal regulator of seed filling. In developing siliques, mutation of ASIL1 led to earlier expression of master regulatory genes LEC2, FUS3 and ABI3 as well as genes for seed storage reserves. Moreover, the 12S globulin accumulated to a much higher level in the developing seeds of asil1-1 compared to wild type. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence that ASIL1 not only functions as a negative regulator of embryonic traits in seedlings but also contributes to the maintenance of precise temporal control of seed filling. Thus, ASIL1 represents a novel component of the regulatory framework controlling embryonic gene expression in Arabidopsis.