Experimentation is fundamental to the scientific method, whether for exploration, description or explanation. We argue that promoting the reuse of virtual experiments (the in silico analogues of wet-lab or field experiments) would vastly improve the usefulness and relevance of computational models, encouraging critical scrutiny of models and serving as a common language between modellers and experimentalists. We review the benefits of reusable virtual experiments: in specifying, assaying, and comparing the behavioural repertoires of models; as prerequisites for reproducible research; to guide model reuse and composition; and for quality assurance in the translational application of models. A key step towards achieving this is that models and experimental protocols should be represented separately, but annotated so as to facilitate the linking of models to experiments and data. Lastly, we outline how the rigorous, streamlined confrontation between experimental datasets and candidate models would enable a "continuous integration" of biological knowledge, transforming our approach to systems biology.
Dear Sirs,We enclose a manuscript titled "A call for virtual experiments: accelerating the scientific process" for inclusion within the Special Issue on "Multi-bio and multi-scale systems biology" in Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. In it we propose the concept of "virtual experiments" as the in silico analogues of wet-lab or field experiments, and argue that this concept deserves as much attention as the computational models to which such experiments are applied. Promoting the reuse of virtual experiments would vastly improve the usefulness and relevance of computational models, encouraging critical scrutiny of models and serving as a common language between modellers and experimentalists.Experiments are fundamental to the scientific method, whether for exploration, description or explanation. Experiments should therefore be as central in computational biology as in other sciences, for studying the implications of theories or hypotheses encoded as computational models. In current practice, however, experiments applied to models are usually embedded in opaque computer code, which is often not available for public scrutiny. We discuss how the protocol for a computational experiment should be viewed as an entity in its own right, and cleanly separated from the description of the model itself, and from surrounding code. Annotations can then facilitate the linking of models to experiment descriptions and any corresponding data available.This approach can provide many benefits for scientific progress: in specifying, assaying, and comparing the behavioural repertoires of models; as a prerequisite for reproducible research; to guide model reuse and composition; and for quality assurance in the application of computational biology models. The paper lays out these benefits to motivate wider adoption and tool support for virtual experiments. We also present a "vision of the future" in which virtual experim...