The structure and dynamics of the Jupiter's magnetosphere are very different from those of the earth. The planet's magnetic field is 14 times stronger than that of the earth. Such strong magnetic field and the dilute solar wind (Hanlon et al., 2004) result in the formation of a huge magnetosphere. In the Jovian magnetosphere, the average position of the bow shock is around 80 R J in front of the planet (Achilleos et al., 2004;Sarkango et al., 2019). The plasma sheet forms in the similar way as the Earth, but the plasma sheet mainly consists of plasma from the moon Io. The radius of Jupiter is 11 times larger than that of the Earth. The planetary rotation period is as short as 10 h. High-speed planetary rotation is also transmitted to Io plasma. The magnetic axis tilts about 10° from the rotation axis (Smyth et al., 2011). The shape of magnetic field deviates from the dipole, with an anomaly that provides a weak magnetic field region at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere (Hess et al., 2011).Io's orbit is at 5.95 R J , where neutral gas is released. Diffusing gas is ionized, then about half is picked up by rotating magnetic field. The amount of plasma supplied from Io is 0.26-1.4 t/sec (Delamere & Bagenal, 2003). The plasma components from Io are O + , O ++ , S + , S ++ , S +++ , and Na + (Bodish et al., 2017;Kim et al., 2020). This Io source plasma plays a major role in constructing the inner magnetosphere, in forming the magnetosphere-ionosphere (M-I) coupling system. Io plasma forms the plasma disk in the inner magnetosphere (<15 R J ), and the plasma sheet in the middle tail (20 R J ∼ 60 R J ). Io source plasma is predominant over these regions (Cohen et al., 2001;Radioti et al., 2005). In the distant tail (>600 R J ), plasma originating from the solar wind is predominant (McComas et al., 2017).In the inner magnetosphere, Io plasma accumulates and becomes unstable when the density exceeds a certain level (Southwood & Kivelson, 1987). Through the interchange instability possibly caused by the