In this paper, a reproduction of a swing-up and a giant swing motion of underactuated robots based on technique of the horizontal bar gymnast is discussed with focusing on an equivalent center of mass (ECM) of underactuated robots and the gymnast. At first, the behaviors of the ECM of the gymnast (ECMG) are analyzed by using a motion capturing technique and an efficient motion of the ECMG for the swing-up and for the giant swing motion are identified from analysis results, respectively. Next, a partial linearization method, which can realize that the ECM of the Acrobot (ECMA) replicates this efficient motion, is designed and reproduces the underactuated robots the swing-up and giant swing motion like the gymnast. Finally, an effectiveness of the proposed controller is shown by numerical simulations. K E Y W O R D S equivalent center of mass, giant-swing, horizontal-bar gymnast, swing-up control, underactuated system 42