Conflict of interestThe authors report no conflicts of interest.
Word count: 3979
Number of tables: 3
Number of figures: 3
Number of supplementary tables: 5Number of supplementary figures: 3 3 Molecular subtypes of breast cancer: long-term incidence trends and prognostic differences.Background: Secular trends in incidence and prognosis of molecular breast cancer subtypes are poorly described. We studied long-term trends in a population of Norwegian women born
1886-1977.Methods: A total of 52 949 women were followed for breast cancer incidence, and 1423 tumours were reclassified into molecular subtypes using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. We compared incidence rates among women born 1886-1928 and 1929-1977, estimated age-specific incidence rate ratios (IRRs), and performed multiple imputations to account for unknown subtype. Prognosis was compared for women diagnosed before 1995 and in 1995 or later, estimating cumulative risk of death and hazard ratios (HR).
Conclusion:We found a strong secular incidence increase restricted to Luminal A and Luminal B (HER2-) subtypes, combined with a markedly improved prognosis for these subtypes and for the Basal phenotype.Impact: This study documents a clear secular increase in incidence and a concomitant improved prognosis for specific molecular breast cancer subtypes.. 4 Molecular subtypes of breast cancer: long-term incidence trends and prognostic differences.