Domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) are small carnivores from genus Mustelidae, including weasels, stoats, minks, otters and badgers. They were domesticated almost 1800 years BC that coincides with domestication of cats. About 2000 years ago ferrets were used as universal rat and rabbit hunters. Present day ferrets are common pets and also are used as laboratory animals and for pelage production. Domestic ferret physiological values:1.Weight of intact male (hob) 1 -2 kg, of intact female (jill) 0,5 -1,5 kg.
2.Lifespan 8 -10 years (up to 15).
3.Heart rate 200 -400 beats per minute.
4.Respiratory rate 33 -36 times per minute.
5.Systolic blood pressure in males 161 mm Hg, females 131 mm Hg.
6.Temperature 38.8⁰C (37.8 -40⁰C).
7.Urine pH 6.5 -7.5.
8.Fertility in males throughout lifespan, females 2 -5 years (starting at 8 -12 months).
9.Gestation 41 day (39 -42 days). 10. Reproductive cycle similar to cats -seasonally polyoestrous with induced ovulation. Litter size average 8 kits (1 -18) which are blind and weigh 6-12 g at birth [1-5].There are some anatomical and physiological particularities in ferret reproductive system. Male ferret reproductive system is similar to dog reproductive organs. However, there are some particularities. There is J shaped curve at the end of os penis, which must be considered when urinary catheter must be inserted.Prostate is the only accessory gland in male ferret reproductive system. It covers proximal part of urethra, where openings of ductus deferens are located [1,2]. Female ferret reproductive system anatomy is the same as in other carnivores. Ovaries are located caudal to kidneys. Adrenal glands also take part in regulation of