In seabirds, variation in breeding phenology and success is often induced by macro-and mesoscale fluctuations in oceanographic conditions, which is recordable at the regional or colony scale. Variation in breeding parameters may also exist at the microscale-among discrete breeding aggregations and subcolonies. The aim of this study was to compare breeding phenology and parameters (hatching success, chick survival, chick body mass indices) among little auks (Alle alle) nesting in three subcolonies differing in their microtopographic and microclimatic features, situated in Magdalenefjorden (north-western Spitsbergen). The hatching phenology varied significantly among the subcolonies. This was probably due to the different duration of snow persistence in spring, as nests are occupied as soon as the snow cover melts sufficiently to allow access to them. The earliest hatching was recorded in the subcolony located on steep slopes at low altitude in the vicinity of the fjord, which favours early ice and snow melting in spring. Hatching success differed significantly among subcolonies, which could also have been due to the microclimatic features of the subcolonies. Hatching success was the lowest in the subcolony where birds started to breed while patchy snow was still persisting. Water from the melting snow could have flooded some of the nests. Alternatively, the low hatchability could have been caused by a higher frequency of less experienced breeders (e.g., first-time breeders) among the individuals nesting in this subcolony. Other breeding parameters (chick survival and growth) were generally similar in all the subcolonies.