“…Larvae feed in the plankton (except for lecithotrophs) exhibiting long pelagic durations and high dispersal capacity. Distribution of these taxa is largely determined by ocean currents transporting larvae between distant patches of suitable habitat for adults, often over great distances (Scheltema, 1986;Jablonski and Lutz,1983;Pechenik, 1999;Kinlan et al, 2005;Trakhtenbrot et al, 2005;Treml et al, 2008;Wangensteen et al, 2017). On the other hand, ammonites underwent a direct development lacking a distinct larval stage (as other, extant cephalopods: nautiluses, cuttlefishes, squids and octopuses) consisting of four ontogenetic stages (embryonic/egg, neanic, juvenile, and adult; see e.g.…”