The authors have identified a fourth flagellin gene in a 2 1 850 bp region of the Agrobacteriurn turnefaciens C58C1 chromosome containing a t least 20 genes concerned with flagellar structure, assembly and function. Three flagellin genes, f/aA, f/aB and flaC, orientated rightward, are positioned in a tandem array at the right end, with the fourth, substantially larger gene, flaD, in the opposite orientation, a t the left end. Between these lie four apparent operons, two transcribed in each direction (rnotA, f/hB leftward; f/gF, f/gB rightward) from a divergent position approx 7.5 kb from the left end. This unifies the previously published rnotA, f/gB and f/aABC sequences into a single region, also containing the homologues of f/hB, f/gF and f/i/. Site-specif ic mutagenesis of f/i/ results in a non-flagellate phenotype, while a Tn5-induced f/hB mutant possesses abnormal flagella. Mutagenesis and protein profiling demonstrate that all four flagellins contribute to flagellar structure: FlaA is the major protein, FlaB and FlaC are present in lesser amounts, and FlaD is a minor component. FlaA has anomolous electrophoretic mobility, possibly due to g I ycosy lat ion.